Byzantine sources for the crusades, 1095-1204 |
Kommentar zum Hebräerbrief |
Hē peira = Die Peira |
Weltall, Erde, Mensch : Naturkunde |
A consul of the philosophers on what is given and what is not in the cosmos |
Animal Fables of the Courtly Mediterranean |
The hymnography of the middle Byzantine ecclesiastic rite & its festal theology |
The visual culture of later Byzantium (c.1081-c.1350) |
Das A und O vom Essen und Trinken |
Psellos und Elpidios |
Urteil von Konstantin IX. Monomachos im Rechtsstreit über ein Landgut |
L’opuscule Ordre et canon des prieres attribue a Gregoire de Narek |
Un kontakion italo-grec en l’honneur de saint Martin de Tours, et la carriere ≪byzantine≫ de ce dernier |
From the depths of the heart |
The Byzantine Sinbad |
Vida de Andronico y Atanasia |
Fabelbuch : Stephanites und Ichnelates |
Житие Луки Столпника (BHG 2239) |
Canoane de rugăciune la Sfantul Ioan Botezătorul |
Byzantium in the time of troubles |
Naqlun N. 76/93 : Cyril of Jerusalem, the Marian Dormition and the Sahidic Antiphonary |
Narrating martyrdom |
Leren in Byzantium: didactische poëzie in de 11e eeuw |
Christophoros Mitylenaios, gedichten 33 en 34 (ed. De Groote) |
Encomio del vino, Laus vini |
John Italos on the eternity of the world |
The Life of Saint Neilos of Rossano |
The poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous |
Two middle Byzantine treatises in defence of the care of the dead |
Из третьей сотницы писем |
Слова 5, 6 из корпуса ≪33 Слов≫ (Orationes [Dub.]) |
Слово против иудеев |
I nove canoni del Concilio di Teodosiopoli (“Kanonagirk‘ Hayoc‘”, 42) |
La vita di Atanasio l'Athonita di Atanasio di Panaghiou |
Niceforo Urano (Tact. 119) metafrasta di Siriano Magistro |
Un antico inno per la traslazione a Bari delle reliquie di s. Nicola |
Bulgarians by birth |
Michael Psellos on literature and art |
The Universal History of Stepʻanos Tarōnecʻi |
‘Multi pertransibunt, et multiplex erit scientia.’ A new ‘Gerontikon’ narrative in MS Upsal. gr. 5. |
Stichoi diaphoroi |
Treis megaloi vyzantinoi poiētes : Iōannēs Geōmetrēs, Christophoros Mytilēnaios, Michaēl Maroullos Tarchaniōtēs |
A tale of two saints : the martyrdoms and miracles of Saints Theodore 'the recruit' and 'the general' |
Holy men of Mount Athos |
Catequesis |
Poesía lúdico-satírica bizantina del siglo XI |
Despre asceză – un surprinzător tratat în Bizanțul Comnenilor |
Conseils et récits d’un gentilhomme byzantin |
Galien en procès à Byzance |
Le père spirituel de l'empereur Cosmas Tzintziloukès et son opuscule sur les parties de l'âme, les passions et les pensées (Xie siècle) |