Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 801 - 850 of 1149
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
IPA MIET ms. 11 17th Saints lives
IPA MIET ms. 12 17th Canon law
IPA MIET ms. 25 17th Liturgy, Barlaam and Joasaph, Romance
IPA MIET ms. 29 17th Canon law Manuel Malaxos
IPA MIET ms. 32 17th Gospel lectionary
IPA MIET ms. 43 17th Liturgy
IPA MIET ms. 44 17th Liturgy
IPA MIET ms. 53 17th Liturgy
IPA MIET ms. 62 17th Theology, Liturgy
IPA MIET ms. 79 17th Euchologion
IPA MIET ms. 8 17th Hymns
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 10 17th Parresia
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 14 16th, 17th Theology
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 19 17th Astronomy
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 27 17th Philosophy Theophilos Korydalleus, Proclus
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 3 17th Theology
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 49 17th Saints lives
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 51 17th Liturgy
IPA MIET Pezarou ms. 53 17th
Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-bizantini 15 17th Parresia
Iviron 508 17th Theology Cyril of Alexandria
KBR Ms. 8920 17th, 18th Saints lives
KBR Ms. 8922-24 17th, 18th Saints lives
KBR Ms. 8940 17th, 18th Saints lives
KBR Ms. 8943 17th, 18th Saints lives
Lavra E 188 17th Theology, Saints lives John of Damascus, John Chrysostom
Lavra E 190 17th Saints lives John of Damascus
Lavra H 35 17th Theology John of Damascus
Lavra H 39 17th Theology Theodore the Studite, John of Damascus
Marciana gr. XI 19 17th, 18th Theology, Liturgy, Epigrammata
Mone Hagiou Neophytou 13 17th Liturgy
Mone Hagiou Neophytou 28 17th Liturgy
Mone Rousanou 20 17th Euchologion
Mone Rousanou 28 17th Theology, Islam
Mone Rousanou 42 16th, 17th Theology John Chrysostom
NBKM gr. 148A 17th Medicine, Illuminations
NBKM gr. 40 17th Liturgy
ÖNB Phil. gr. 53 16th, 17th Grammar
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 72 17th Theology
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 79 17th History
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 82 17th Medicine Theophilos Korydalleus
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 86 17th, 18th Philosophy Aristotle
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 88 16th, 17th Grammar, Schedography, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
Panepistemion, Spoudasterion Philologikes Scholes 27 16th, 17th Digenis Acritas
Panepistemion, Spoudasterion Philologikes Scholes 36 17th Euchologion
Panepistemion, Spoudasterion Vyzantines kai Neoellenikes Philologias 10 17th Theology
Panepistemion, Spoudasterion Vyzantines kai Neoellenikes Philologias 38 17th Liturgy
Panepistemion, Spoudasterion Vyzantines kai Neoellenikes Philologias 8 17th Medicine, Astronomy
Panepistemion, Spoudasterion Vyzantines kai Neoellenikes Philologias 9 17th Canon law
Patriarchal Library Hagios Sabas 117 17th
