Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 2851 - 2900 of 3375
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
ÖNB Phil. gr. 66 15th Philosophy Aristotle
ÖNB Phil. gr. 68 15th Geometry Proclus, Euclid
ÖNB Phil. gr. 69 15th Philosophy Elias Philosophus, Porphyry, Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
ÖNB Phil. gr. 75 15th Philosophy, Science Aristotle
ÖNB Phil. gr. 89 15th Philosophy, Astronomy Plato
ÖNB Phil. gr. 94 15th Philosophy Aristotle
ÖNB Phil. gr. 98 15th Rhetoric Manuel II Palaeologus, Plethon
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 135 15th Rhetoric Polemon
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 166 14th, 15th History Nicetas Choniates, Nicephorus Gregoras
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 167 15th Liturgy Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 173 15th, 16th Lexicon John Zonaras
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 174 15th History, Geography Plethon, George Codinus, Constantine Manasses
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 18 15th Hesiod, Theocritus
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 20 15th Philosophy Plato
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 30 15th History Diodorus Siculus
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 35 15th Philosophy Aristotle
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 43 15th, 16th Grammar
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 45 15th Lexicon
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 46 15th Optics Euclid, Theon, Damianus
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 47 15th Lexicon, Grammar
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 51 15th History Xenophon
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 55 15th Philosophy Plato
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 75 15th Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathematics, Rhetoric John Chortasmenos
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 83 15th Proverbs, Hymns Cato, Menander Comicus
ÖNB Suppl. gr. 84 15th Philosophy, Rhetoric Julius Pollux, Isocrates, Aristotle, Hesiod
ÖNB Theol. gr. 187 15th, 16th Liturgy
ÖNB Theol. gr. 219 15th Theology Basil the Great
ÖNB Theol. gr. 1 15th, 16th Theology John Chrysostom
ÖNB Theol. gr. 113 15th Theology, Letters Gregory of Nyssa, Libanius, Basil the Great, Gregory Nazianzus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 116 14th, 15th Hymns
ÖNB Theol. gr. 135 14th, 15th Letters, Theology Isidore of Pelusium, Procopius of Gaza, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 179 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th Theology
ÖNB Theol. gr. 185 14th, 15th Liturgy, Hymns
ÖNB Theol. gr. 186 15th Menaion
ÖNB Theol. gr. 190 15th Theology John of Damascus, Basil the Great
ÖNB Theol. gr. 207 14th, 15th Theology John Climacus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 210 14th, 15th Theology, Literature Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas, Photius
ÖNB Theol. gr. 218 15th Theology Symeon Archbishop of Thessaloniki
ÖNB Theol. gr. 219 15th Theology Basil the Great
ÖNB Theol. gr. 232 15th Euchologion
ÖNB Theol. gr. 233 15th Theology John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 238 14th, 15th Theology John Zonaras, John of Damascus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 24 13th, 14th, 15th Theology, Bible, Old Testament Polychronius Diaconus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 256 15th Theology Gennadios II Scholarios, Bessarion
ÖNB Theol. gr. 259 15th Theology Athanasius, Gregory Pardus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 262 15th Theology Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas
ÖNB Theol. gr. 323 15th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great
ÖNB Theol. gr. 329 15th Bible, Old Testament, Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
ÖNB Theol. gr. 75 15th Theology John Chrysostom
ÖNB Theol. gr. 95 15th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Theophylact of Ochrid, Gregory Nazianzus
