Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 301 - 350 of 1652
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Vat. gr. 672 13th, 15th Rhetoric, Saints lives, Letters, Theology Michael Psellus
BAV Vat. gr. 676 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Letters, Theology John Mauropus
BAV Vat. gr. 680 pt. 1 13th Theology Nicetas Choniates, Nicholas of Methone
BAV Vat. gr. 680 pt. 2 13th Theology Nicetas Choniates, Nicholas of Methone
BAV Vat. gr. 690 13th Theology Michael Glykas
BAV Vat. gr. 712 13th Letters, Theology Michael Psellus, Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, Gregory Nazianzus, Theodore the Studite, Basil the Great
BAV Vat. gr. 713 13th Letters Basil the Great, Gregory Nazianzus, Theophylact of Ochrid, Isidore of Pelusium
BAV Vat. gr. 723 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th Theology Basil the Great, Theodore the Studite
BAV Vat. gr. 725 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th Theology Gregory of Cyprus
BAV Vat. gr. 731 13th, 14th Theology, Liturgy
BAV Vat. gr. 74 11th, 12th, 13th Rhetoric Aristides
BAV Vat. gr. 742 13th Theology, Letters Photius, Isidore of Pelusium
BAV Vat. gr. 748 13th, 14th, 16th Bible, Old Testament, Theology
BAV Vat. gr. 75 13th Rhetoric Aristides
BAV Vat. gr. 751 13th, 14th Theology Nicetas Heracleensis
BAV Vat. gr. 827 13th Theology Basil the Great
BAV Vat. gr. 859 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Theology Ps.-Dionysius, Ignatius of Antioch, Christopher of Mytilene
BAV Vat. gr. 872 13th Lexicon, Oracula John Zonaras
BAV Vat. gr. 875 pt. 1 13th Lexicon, Grammar John Zonaras
BAV Vat. gr. 875 pt. 2 13th Lexicon, Grammar John Zonaras
BAV Vat. gr. 9 13th Lexicon John Zonaras
BAV Vat. gr. 901 13th Rhetoric
BAV Vat. gr. 903 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Liturgy, Law Homer
BAV Vat. gr. 904 13th, 14th John Tzetzes, Proclus, Hesiod, Sophocles
BAV Vat. gr. 909 13th Euripides
BAV Vat. gr. 913 13th Grammar, Alchemy, Philosophy Maximus Planudes, Theocritus, Manuel Moschopoulos
BAV Vat. gr. 915 13th, 14th Homer, John Tzetzes
BAV Vat. gr. 929 13th Rhetoric Aristides
BAV Vat. gr. 933 13th, 14th Rhetoric, Philosophy Aristides, Plato, Gregory of Cyprus
BAV Vat. gr. 96 12th, 13th, 14th Rhetoric, History Diogenes Laertius, Agathias, Aelian
Benaki Museum MS 45 13th Bible
Benaki Museum MS 46 13th Bible
Benaki Museum MS 53 13th Gospel lectionary
Benaki Museum MS 63 12th, 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary
Benaki Museum MS 69 13th Bible
Benaki Museum TA 318 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary
Benaki Museum TA 320 13th Bible
Benaki Museum TA 322 12th, 13th Gospel lectionary
Benaki Museum TA 34 13th Bible
Benaki Museum TA 145 12th, 13th Gospel lectionary
Bib. U. Complutense BH MSS 23 13th, 14th Psalter
Bibl. Malatestiana Plut. D. 28.3 11th, 13th, 14th Theology John Chrysostom, Euthymius Zigabenus
Biblioteca Angelica gr. 10 9th, 11th, 13th Grammar Manuel Moschopoulos
Biblioteca Angelica gr. 69 13th Theology Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, John of Damascus
Biblioteca Angelica gr. 72 13th Theology John Chrysostom
Biblioteca Queriniana A.III 10 13th Gospel lectionary
Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale A. α. 2 13th Bible
Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale A. α. 8 13th Bible
Biblioteca Vallicelliana B 115 13th History, Poems, Theology Constantine Manasses, George of Pisidia, John Mauropus
Biblioteca Vallicelliana B 15 13th Theology, Letters, Islam Euthymius Zigabenus, John of Damascus, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Gregory Nazianzus
