13th | Modern Language Translations of Byzantine Sources</br>Digitized Greek Manuscripts

Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 1652
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
EBE 2242 13th, 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
EBE 2251 13th, 14th Bible
EBE 2356 13th Gospel lectionary
EBE 2495 13th Bible
EBE 2510 13th Bible
EBE 2520 13th Gospel lectionary
EBE 2540 13th Gospel lectionary
EBE 2672 13th Gospel lectionary
EBE 2739 13th Bible
EBE 2760 12th, 13th Bible
EBE 2803 13th Gospel lectionary
EBE 2982 13th, 14th Bible
EBE 3139 13th Bible
EBE 4074 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary
EBE 4080 13th Gospel lectionary
EBE 890 13th Liturgy
EBE 892 13th Music
EBE 957 12th, 13th Sticherarion
EBE 96 13th Bible
EBE 974 13th Sticherarion
EBE 996 12th, 13th Saints lives
Fondation Martin Bodmer Cod. 85 13th Homer
Gennadius Library K 20 13th Bible
Gennadius Library MS 1.5 13th Bible
Gennadius Library MS 1.8 13th Bible
HAB Gud. gr. 104 13th Letters Synesius, Libanius
HAB Gud. gr. 24 13th Philosophy Aristotle
HAB Gud. gr. 29 13th Lexicon
HAB Gud. gr. 30 13th Lexicon
HAB Gud. gr. 35 13th History Thucydides
Harvard Houghton Library MS Typ 416 13th, 14th Liturgy
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek F 516 13th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek F 522 12th, 13th Menaion
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek F 523 12th, 13th Menaion
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek F 530 13th Menaion
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek O 79a 13th Psalter
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Q 740 13th, 14th Liturgy
Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Q 742 13th Liturgy
Historikon Mouseion tou Neou Hellenismou 212 13th Bible
INTF MS 1 13th Gospel lectionary
INTF MS 10 13th Bible
INTF MS 10 13th Gospel lectionary
INTF MS 11 13th, 14th Bible
INTF MS 15 13th Gospel lectionary
INTF MS 2 13th Bible
INTF MS 21 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary
INTF MS 4 13th Bible
Istituto Ellenico di Studi Bizantini e Post-bizantini 2 13th Bible
Iviron 130 12th, 13th, 14th Bible
Iviron 178 13th Bible
