Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus |
In laudem Iustini Augusti minoris |
In praise of Constantine |
Sallust, On the gods and the world |
St. Romanos the Melodos and his first nativity kontakion |
The encomium of Gregory Nazianzen by Nicetas the Paphlagonian |
The works of Dionysius the Areopagite now first translated into English from the original Greek by John Parker |
Theophylact, On Predestination |
Antirrhetika I |
Analiz "Vvedenii︠a︡" Porfirii︠a︡ |
Histoire |
Histoire ecclésiastique |
La vie ancienne de Sainte Marie surnommée Marinos |
Mēmrē sur Nicomédie Éphrem de Nisibe |
Michel Psellos et Denys d’Halicarnasse |
Réquisitoire du patriarche Jean d’Antioche contre le charisticariat |
Cronaca dei Tocco di Cefalonia |
Fiorenzo, o intorno alla sapienza |
Trattato Contra quelli che non vogliono riconoscere la Santa Vergine Madre di Dio Cirillo di Alessandria |
Dopisy |
Dopisy |
Řeči |
A confraternity of the Comnenian era |
Decline and fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks |
Letter to the monks of the Chora (Logos 15) and Letter to Sir Methodius Senacherim the monk |
Mazaris' Journey to Hades |
Romanos' hymn on the sacrifice of Abraham |
The 'Monody' of Demetrius Kydones on the zealot rising of 1345 in Thessaloniki |
The correspondence of Athanasius I, Patriarch of Constantinople |
The histories |
The history of John Cantacuzenus (Book IV) |
The Institutes of Justinian |
The letters of St. Antony the Great |
The life of Pachomius |
The sayings of the Desert Fathers |
Vida de San Antonio, padre de los monjes |
Das arabische Sondergut Makarios/Symeon |
De trinitate, Buch 2, Kapitel 1-7 |
Die Einnahme Thessalonikes durch die Araber im Jahre 904 |
Kohelet in der syrischen Dichtung |
Sochinenii︠a︡ |
Le typikon du Christ Sauveur Pantocrator |
Une refutation de Balsamon par Nil Kabasilas |
Vie de Syméon le Fou et Vie de Jean de Chypre |
La storia Lausiaca |
Vita di Antonio |
A monothelite kontakion of the seventh century |
A Pseudo-Epiphanius testimony book |
Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere |
The Andreas Salos Apocalypse |