Selected prose works St. Ephrem the Syrian |
St. Cyril of Alexandria |
Taktika |
The bibliotheca |
The Coptic Life of Anthony translated and introduced by Tim Vivian |
The decoration of the sevastokratorissa's tent |
The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa |
The legend of Saint Zotikos according to Constantine Akropolites |
The life and letters of Theoleptos of Philadelphia |
The life of the Holy Mother of God at Choziba |
The passion of Sts. Serge and Bacchus |
Two Byzantine papyri from the collection at the University of Michigan |
Aquileida |
Poesía heroica griega epopeya de Diyeenís Akritas |
Tratado ascético |
Vida de Constantino |
Die byzantinischen Grabreden |
Hystoria Constantinopolitana |
Katechetische Homilien |
Sechs Seiten medizinischer Rezepte im glagoltischen Psalter 3/N des Sinaiklosters |
Texte zum byzantinischen Bilderstreit |
Bios kai politeia tou en hagiois patros hēmōn Symeōn tou Neou Theologou, presbyterou kai hēgoumenou monēs tou hagiou Mamantos tēs Xērokerkou |
Historia syntomos |
Peri Vasileiōn |
Typikon Isaakiou Alexiou Komnēnou tēs Monēs Theotokou tēs Kosmosōteiras (1151/52) epimeleia Geōrgiou K |
La jerarquia celestial. La jerarquia eclesiàstica |
Le panégyrique de s. Théophane le Confesseur par s. Théodore Stoudite (BHG 1792b) |
Les apophtegmes des Pères |
Saint Ephrem's Commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron |
Scholies a l'Ecclésiaste |
Un acte inédit du patriarche de Constantinople Jean XII (2 juin 1294) |
Anonimo (Michele Psello ?), La tragedia greca |
Insegnamenti spirituali |
L'amore della quiete (ho tes hesychias eros) |
La Vita di San Fantino il Giovane |
Histories of the monks of upper Egypt |
On Aristotle Physics 2 |
Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana Liudprand of Cremona |
The Breviarium ab urbe condita |
The Devastatio Constantinopolitana, a special perspective on the Fourth Crusade |
The elements of theology |
The life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem |
The mind's long journey to the Holy Trinity : the Ad monachos of Evagrius Ponticus |
The Seventh century in the West-Syrian chronicles |
The soul and the resurrection |
Translation of De providentia |
Vegetius : epitome of military science |
Barlaam y Josafat |
Sobre la vida de Moisés |
Die Syrische Apokalypse des Pseudo-Methodius |