Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 701 - 750 of 1569
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Grec 1758 15th Rhetoric, Philosophy Diogenes Laertius
BN Grec 1773 15th Philosophy, Rhetoric, Grammar Plethon, Demosthenes, Basil the Great, Maximus Planudes, Dionysius Thrax, Herodian
BN Grec 1804 15th Philosophy, Poems Hierocles of Alexandria
BN Grec 1807 9th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1808 12th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1809 14th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1810 13th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1811 14th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1812 14th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1813 13th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1814 16th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1815 16th Philosophy, Rhetoric, History Plato, Lucian, Aristides, Libanius, Flavius Josephus, Aristotle, Plutarch
BN Grec 1816 15th Philosophy Porphyry, Plotinus
BN Grec 1817 16th Philosophy, Mathematics, Rhetoric Plato, Olympiodorus, Michael Psellus, Theon, Maximus of Tyre
BN Grec 1822 16th Philosophy Plato, Olympiodorus
BN Grec 1823 16th Philosophy, Astronomy Plato, Olympiodorus, Michael Psellus, Theophrastus
BN Grec 1825 16th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1826 16th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 1828 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1830 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1831 16th Philosophy, Medicine Plato, Aristotle, Proclus, Galen, Alexander medicus
BN Grec 1832 15th, 16th Philosophy Plato, Aristotle, Proclus, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Grec 1833 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus, Athenaeus
BN Grec 1834 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1835 16th Philosophy Proclus, Plato
BN Grec 1836 16th Philosophy Proclus, Plato, George Pachymeres
BN Grec 1837 16th Philosophy Proclus, Plato, Maximus of Tyre
BN Grec 1838 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1839 15th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1840 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1841 16th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1842 17th Philosophy Plato, Proclus
BN Grec 1843 13th Philosophy Aristotle, Ammonius, Dionysius Periegetes, John Italus, Michael Psellus, Porphyry, Alexander Aphrodisias, Michael of Ephesus
BN Grec 1844 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Ammonius
BN Grec 1845 14th Philosophy Leo Magentinus, Porphyry, Aristotle
BN Grec 1846 14th Philosophy Aristotle, John Philoponus, Nicephorus Gregoras
BN Grec 1848 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Grec 1849 12th Philosophy, Medicine Aristotle, Galen
BN Grec 1851 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1852 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1853 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Philosophy, Diagrams Aristotle
BN Grec 1854 12th, 13th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1855 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1856 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1857 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1858 15th Philosophy, Politics Aristotle
BN Grec 1859 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1860 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 1861 15th Philosophy, Science, Dreams, Animals, Astronomy Aristotle
BN Grec 1864 15th Philosophy, Animals Aristotle
