Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 401 - 450 of 585
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Supplément grec 630 14th Medicine Aetius
BN Supplément grec 631 (lib. I) 11th Medicine Aetius
BN Supplément grec 631 (lib. VI-XII) 11th, 14th, 19th Medicine Aetius
BN Supplément grec 632 11th, 14th, 19th Medicine Aetius
BN Supplément grec 634 14th Medicine Galen
BN Supplément grec 635 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th Medicine, Philosophy, Letters Galen, John of Damascus, Theophylact Simocatta
BN Supplément grec 636 16th Medicine Galen
BN Supplément grec 637 15th Medicine Meletius Monachus, Symeon Seth
BN Supplément grec 639 18th Medicine
BN Supplément grec 64 14th, 15th, 16th Misc., Theology, Medicine
BN Supplément grec 640 17th Philosophy, Medicine Nemesius
BN Supplément grec 641 18th Philosophy, Medicine Nemesius
BN Supplément grec 683 16th, 17th, 18th Medicine, Philosophy, Poems
BN Supplément grec 684 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th Medicine, Astronomy, Philosophy Galen, Euripides, Hermes, Epictetus
BN Supplément grec 688 16th Medicine, Animals Oppianus, Soranus
BN Supplément grec 727 19th Medicine, Rhetoric Philostratus, Galen, Hermogenes
BN Supplément grec 764 14th Medicine Galen
BN Supplément grec 765 17th Medicine Galen
BN Supplément grec 766 16th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Supplément grec 924 15th, 19th Medicine, Letters Paul of Aegina, Philostratus
BNE 4581 11th Medicine Paul of Aegina
BNE 4616 15th Philosophy, Science, Medicine Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias, Damascius, Symeon Seth, Paul of Aegina, Plethon, Nicephorus Gregoras, Synesius
BNE 4631 15th Medicine Hermes, Dioscorides, Michael Psellus
BNE 4634 15th Medicine Hippocrates
BNE 4783 16th Astronomy, Medicine John Philoponus, Galen, Vettius Valens
BNE 4803 18th Medicine
BNE 4850 14th Medicine Symeon Seth, Michael Psellus, Hippocrates, Galen
BNE Vitr 26.1 14th Medicine
Bodleian Library Barocci 150 14th, 15th Medicine
Bodleian Library Barocci 171 15th Medicine
Bodleian Library Barocci 204 14th Medicine Hippocrates
Bodleian Library Barocci 216 15th Medicine, Theology, Letters, Grammar
Bodleian Library Barocci 220 13th Medicine Galen
Bodleian Library Barocci 224 15th Medicine
Bodleian Library Barocci 88 15th Medicine
BR BPG 2A 16th Medicine Galen
BR BPG 6 16th Medicine Aetius
BR SCA 18 16th Medicine Galen
BR VUL 108 Medicine Hippocrates
BR VUL 43 15th Medicine Galen
British Library Add MS 10058 15th Medicine Galen
British Library Add MS 11888 15th Medicine Galen
British Library Add MS 12182 16th Medicine
British Library Add MS 17900 17th Medicine
British Library Add MS 5108 16th Medicine
British Library Add MS 5119 14th, 15th Medicine
British Library Add MS 6898 14th Medicine Galen, Hippocrates
British Library Add MS 8231 18th Lexicon, Medicine
British Library Arundel MS 537 15th Medicine
British Library Arundel MS 538 16th Medicine Hippocrates
