Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 201 - 250 of 587
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Grec 1995 15th Agriculture, Medicine, Animals Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Hippocrates
BN Grec 2037 16th Medicine
BN Grec 2047 15th Medicine Hippocrates, Paul of Aegina
BN Grec 2047A 14th Medicine Alexander Aphrodisias, Meletius Monachus
BN Grec 2091 14th, 15th Medicine
BN Grec 2139 17th Medicine, Astronomy
BN Grec 2140 12th, 13th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2141 15th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2142 13th, 14th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2143 14th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2144 14th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2145 15th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2146 16th Medicine Hippocrates
BN Grec 2147 16th Medicine Hippocrates, Galen
BN Grec 2148 15th Medicine Hippocrates, Galen
BN Grec 2149 16th Medicine, Magic Hippocrates, Aristotle, Paul of Aegina, John of Damascus, Theophilus Protospatharius
BN Grec 2150 16th Medicine Hippocrates, Damascius
BN Grec 2151 16th Medicine Rufus of Ephesus, Oribasius, Symeon Seth, Stephanus Magnes
BN Grec 2152 16th Medicine Rufus of Ephesus
BN Grec 2153 15th Medicine Galen, Soranus, Paul of Aegina
BN Grec 2154 13th, 14th Medicine Galen, Michael Psellus
BN Grec 2155 14th Medicine, Astronomy Galen, Hippocrates, Gregory Nazianzus, Michael Psellus, Theophilus Protospatharius
BN Grec 2156 15th Medicine Galen, Hippocrates
BN Grec 2157 15th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2158 15th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2159 15th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2160 15th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2161 15th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2162 15th, 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2163 15th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2164 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2166 15th, 16th Medicine
BN Grec 2167 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2168 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2169 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2170 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2171 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2173 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2174 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2175 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2177 16th Medicine Galen
BN Grec 2178 14th, 15th Medicine Galen, Paul of Aegina, Hippocrates, Alexander medicus, Theophilus Protospatharius
BN Grec 2179 9th Medicine, Illuminations Dioscorides
BN Grec 2180 15th Medicine, Astronomy, Apocrypha, Magic Dioscorides, Galen, Hermes, Theophilus Protospatharius
BN Grec 2181 16th Medicine Michael Psellus, Stephanus Magnes
BN Grec 2182 15th Medicine Dioscorides
BN Grec 2183 14th Medicine Dioscorides, Galen
BN Grec 2184 15th Medicine, Astronomy Dioscorides, Theophilus Protospatharius
BN Grec 2185 16th Medicine Dioscorides, Plethon
BN Grec 2186 16th Medicine Aretaeus
