Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 151 - 188 of 188
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BR BPG 59 16th Philosophy Proclus, Theophrastus, Plutarch
British Library Add MS 10067 18th Plutarch
British Library Add MS 39616 16th Plutarch
British Library Add MS 5423 15th Plutarch
British Library Burney MS 99 16th Plutarch
British Library Harley MS 5578 16th Plutarch
British Library Harley MS 5612 15th Plutarch
British Library Harley MS 5638 16th Rhetoric Plutarch, Philostratus
British Library Harley MS 5660 15th Basil the Great, Isocrates, Plutarch
British Library Harley MS 5692 14th Plutarch
BS Cod. graec. 173 16th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
BS Cod. graec. 215 15th, 16th Philosophy, Music Porphyry, Plotinus, Plutarch
BS Cod. graec. 234 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Plutarch
BS Cod. graec. 490 15th Misc., Letters Phalaris, Synesius, Agapetus, Lucian, Libanius, Plutarch, Plethon, Plato, Demosthenes, Aristotle, Michael Psellus
BS Cod. graec. 85 14th Rhetoric, Letters, Dreams, Philosophy Demosthenes, Plutarch, Synesius, Nicephorus Gregoras, John Philoponus
BU 2048.1 16th Music, Harmonics Manuel Bryennius, Euclid, Plutarch
BU 2700 15th, 16th Grammar, Alchemy, Astronomy, Music, Rhetoric Aeschylus, Manuel Chrysoloras, Sophocles, Plutarch, Heliodorus alchemista
EBE 1181 18th Plutarch
EBE 1329 18th Plutarch, Lucian, Themistius, Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great
Marciana gr. VI 10 12th Harmonics Ptolemy, Porphyry, Plutarch
Marciana gr. Z. 428 14th Rhetoric Aristides, Procopius of Gaza, Plutarch
Marciana gr. Z. 517 15th Philosophy, Rhetoric Plethon, Lucian, Plutarch, Diogenes Laertius
ÖNB Hist. gr. 60 12th History Plutarch
ÖNB Phil. gr. 12 16th Rhetoric Dio Chrysostomus, Plutarch
ÖNB Phil. gr. 129 12th, 13th Philosophy, Rhetoric Plutarch
ÖNB Phil. gr. 148 11th Rhetoric Plutarch
ÖNB Phil. gr. 176 15th Harmonics Porphyry, Plutarch
ÖNB Phil. gr. 185 15th Proverbs Plutarch, Zenobius
ÖNB Phil. gr. 253 15th, 16th Proverbs Sophocles, Euripides, Hesiod, Michael Apostolius, Proclus, Plutarch, Manuel Moschopoulos
ÖNB Phil. gr. 46 15th Rhetoric, Philosophy Plutarch
St. Catherine's Monastery gr. 1831 18th Plutarch, Homer
U of Cambridge UL Dd. VI. 56 16th Plutarch
U of Cambridge UL Nn. II. 39 15th Rhetoric Plutarch
UB gr. 38 14th Rhetoric Aristides, Plutarch, Libanius, Nicephorus Gregoras
UB Pal. gr. 153 12th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
UB Pal. gr. 168 12th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
UB Pal. gr. 169 12th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
UB Pal. gr. 283 12th Plutarch
