Byzantinische Mystik |
De ieiunio I, II |
Gregor von Nazianz, Über die Bischöfe |
Opere |
A critical edition of the anti-Arsenite discourses of Theoleptos of Philadelphia |
On divine providence |
The one hundred and fifty chapters |
Die Namen Gotten Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita |
Des notes marginales du Vindobonensis historicus graecus 70 |
Scholies aux Proverbes |
La prolusione del maestro dell'apostolo |
Pseudo-Dionysius |
The mystagogy of the Holy Spirit |
Las verdades de la fe en las ocho catequesis de San Cirilo de Jerusalén |
Icon and logos : sources in eighth-century iconoclasm |
The counsel of Manuel-Matthew Gabalas to Empress Eirene-Eulologia Palaiologina on her mourning over the death of Theoleptos, metropolitan of Philadelphia |
The Fathers speak |
Über die himmlische Hierarchie |
Contre Julien Cyrille d'Alexandrie |
Maximus Confessor |
Asketische und dogmatische Schriften Markus Eremita |
Athanasius, Contra gentes |
Chrysostomus Nubianus |
On the divine liturgy |
On the incomprehensible nature of God |
Treatise on prayer |
Die griechische Gregoriosanaphora |
An early Byzantine formula for the renunciation of Manichaeism |
On virginity |
The triads |
Dogmatika erga |
The church, the liturgy, and the soul of man |
The ladder of divine ascent John Climacus |
The practical and theological chapters, and, Three theological discourses |
Die drei Tage zwischen Tod und Auferstehung unseres Herrn Jesus Christus |
Miscellaneous writings |
On the incarnation |
The ecclesiastical hierarchy |
Chapitres théologiques gnostiques et pratiques |
Didascalia e versi di Costantino Stilbes |
Captivity and dialogue : Gregory Palamas (1296-1360) and the Muslims |
Catecheses |
On the divine images |
Saint Gregory Palamas' "The decalogue of the law according to Christ, that is, the new covenant" |
The divine names and mystical theology |
Les Béatitudes |
The Synodicon vetus |
L'échelle |
Contre les païens Athanase d'Alexandrie |
Lamentations of Narek |