Man and the word |
Lob der Kahlheit |
Hoi dyo vasilikoi logoi |
L'Inedito Πρòς Βασιλεα di Temistio |
Encomium for his mother |
Funeral oration for this daughter Styliane, who died before the age of marriage |
Libanius' declamations 9 and 10 by Mikael Johansson |
To his grandson, who was still an infant |
Discours annuels en l'honneur du patriarche Georges Xiphilin |
Panegirico per l'imperatore Anastasio Procopio di Gaza |
Michael Psellos : the Encomium of His Mother |
Die unedierte Trostrede des Gregorios Antiochos an der kaiserlichen Sekretär Konstantinos Apimpithium |
Eine unedierte Trostrede des Gregorios Antiochos an den Logothetes Michael Hagiotheodorites |
Oratio de monasteriis laicis non tradendis |
George Finlay and Georgios Gemistos Plethon |
Orations (selections) St. Gregory of Nazianzus |
Two military orations of Constantine VII |
Himerios, Reden und Fragmente |
Nicolas Mésaritès |
An anti-Latin essay of Psellos revisited |
On God and Christ |
Eine byzantinische Invektive gegen die Verfasser von Grabreden Anōnymou monōdia eis monōdountas |
Kaiserreden Libanios |
Ēthikos ē Peri paideias |
Basilii Minimi in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationem xxxviii commentarii |
Politics, philosophy, and empire in the fourth century |
Epitafio per Giuliano (Orazione XVIII) |
The private orations of Themistius |
Le panégyrique de Constantin VII Porphyrogénète pour la translation des reliques de Grégoire le Théologien (BHG 728) |
A los jóvenes, sobre el provecho de la literatura clásica |
Staatsreden |
The amphibious serpent |
A los jóvenes sobre cómo podrían sacar provecho de las letras griegas |
Eine unedierte byzantinische Totenklage |
Eloge du patriarche Basile Kamatèros |
Allocuzione a Giuliano per l'arrivo in Antiochia |
Imaginary speeches |
Nicaea : a Byzantine capital and its praises |
Constantine Psaltopoulos and his unpublished address to Michael Hagiotheodorites |
Constantine’s ‘pagan vision’ |
The sons of Constantine |
Ēthikos ē Peri paideias |
Première didascalie de Serge le Diacre |
Die byzantinischen Grabreden |
Faith gives fullness to reasoning |
The encomium of S. Pancratius of Taormina by Gregory the Pagurite |
Autobiografia |
L'éloge de Nicolas III par Nicolas Mouzalon |
An encomium of Leontius Monachus on the birthday of John the Baptist ( BHG 864f) |
Panegyric to the Emperor Theodosius |