Stock characters speaking |
The 'ethopoeia' of Eustathios of Thessalonike |
Elogio de las dos Romas |
The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea |
Retorica e dinamiche del potere ad Antiochia nel IV secolo |
Les Grâces à Athènes |
Sententious Notes : Semeioseis gnomikai 61-70 & 72-81 |
Six essays by Theodore II Laskaris in Vindobonensis Phil. Gr. 321 |
Zonaras’s Treatise on Nocturnal Emissions |
Nicholas Mesarites : his life and works |
Not composed in a chance manner : the Epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos |
Anthologion |
The rhetorical exercises of Nikephoros Basilakes |
Kaiserreden |
L'Éloge de saint Dèmètrios par Grégoire le Référendaire (BHG 544) |
Constantin Manassès, la description d'un petit homme |
Michel Psellos : portraits de famille |
Between city and school |
Les extraits pselliens des Éléments rythmiques d’Aristoxène de Tarent |
Vies de philosophes et de sophistes |
Michael Psellos on Symeon the Metaphrast and on the Miracle at Blachernae |
Resorting to Rare Sources of Antiquity |
Libros de Retórica |
Biographien über Philosophen und Sophisten |
The Moral Pieces of Theodore II Laskaris |
Mąż gadatliwej niewiasty prosi o cykutę |
I Progimnasmi di Severo di Alessandria (Severo di Antiochia?) |
Rhetorical exercises from late antiquity |
Corpus rhetoricum |
Libanius's Progymnasmata |
Man and the word |
On the stage of 'Eros' : two rhetorical exercises by Nikephoros Basiliakes |
Narrating images in Byzantine literature : the ekphrasis of Konstantinos Manasses |
Progymnasmata |
Himerios, Reden und Fragmente |
Michael Psellos on Rhetoric |
Tymvōrychoi kai skyleutes nekrōn |
L'éloge de Nicolas III par Nicolas Mouzalon |
Progimnasmi e Monodie Niceforo Basilace |
Un consolatora inedita di Constantino Niceno |
Il "Prologo" di Niceforo Basilace |
Versi e un opuscolo inediti |
Arethas, Choirosphactes and the Saracen Vizir |
Byzantinischer Kommentar zu Hermogenes |
Michael Akominatos von Chonä, Erzbischof von Athen |
Theodore II Laskaris, Elena Asenina and Bulgaria |