Politics, philosophy, and humor at the Byzantine court |
Paraphrasen zu Aristoteles, ›Parva naturalia‹, ›De motu animalium‹ und ›De incessu animalium‹ |
›Philosophische Grundbegriffe‹; ›Synopse der Philosophie‹; ›Vorlesungen des heiligsten Metropoliten von Nikomedien‹ |
Commentaire á la Physique d'Aristote |
Against the Calumniator of Plato |
Commentary on Chaldean oracles |
Comparison of Plato and Aristotle : God as the absolutely first |
Kommentar zu Platons Alkibiades |
Weltall, Erde, Mensch : Naturkunde |
A consul of the philosophers on what is given and what is not in the cosmos |
Barlaam of Seminara on Stoic ethics |
Commentary on Aristotle, "Nicomachean Ethics" |
Paraphrase of Aristotle, >De anima< |
The secret texts of hellenic polytheism |
Sur les etats de cause |
Commentary on Aristotle, Prior Analytics (Book II) |
Proclus and the Chaldean Oracles |
The philosopher, or, On faith |
The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea |
Translation of primary sources on Hypatia |
Confutazione di alcune dottrine aristoteliche |
Syriac sayings of Greek philosophers |
Elias and David : introductions to philosophy |
John Italos on the eternity of the world |
Kommentar zu Aristoteles' Analytik |
Proclus or Concerning happiness |
Parafraza księgi XII “Metafizyki” Arystotelesa |
Sur les substances incorporelles |
Critica dell’apparente e critica apparente |
Tutti i commentari a Platone |
Michael Psellos on literature and art |
On Aristotle’s departures from Plato 0–19 |
The Dialogue Xenedemos, or Voices |
Elementos de Teología |
Alexandre le Grand et les Brahmanes |
Answers to King Khosroes of Persia |
On Plato : First Alcibiades 10-28 |
Theodore Metochites on the human condition and the decline of Rome |
Teología Platónica |
Le père spirituel de l'empereur Cosmas Tzintziloukès et son opuscule sur les parties de l'âme, les passions et les pensées (Xie siècle) |
Commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge |
Life of Plato and On Plato First Alcibiades 1-9 |
Über Natur und Kunst = De natura et arte |
Parafraza “O duszy” Arystotelesa |
Vies de philosophes et de sophistes |
Contro il calunniatore di Platone |
Le definizioni e divisioni della filosofia |
Esej o ironii filozoficznej |
Plethona Zapis praw |
Réponse à Porphyre = (De mysteriis) |