Gli scolii di Demetrio Tricilino alla 'Theogonia' di Esiodo |
On Morals or Concerning Education |
Progymnasmata |
The letters of Theodoros Hyrtakenos |
The rhetorical exercises of Nikephoros Basilakes |
Michel Psellos : portraits de famille |
Per la storia dell’istruzione bizantina in Terra d’Otranto |
Treasury |
The Anonymous of Sola and the school of Nosiai |
A los jóvenes |
Der ΛΟΓΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΙΝΕΤΙΚΟΣ des Michaelos Apostoles |
I Progimnasmi di Severo di Alessandria (Severo di Antiochia?) |
Rhetorical exercises from late antiquity |
Corpus rhetoricum |
Libanius's Progymnasmata |
Economie et société à Byzance (VIIIe-XIIe siècle) |
On the stage of 'Eros' : two rhetorical exercises by Nikephoros Basiliakes |
Despre educație |
Progymnasmata |
Teaching texts from the twelfth-century Orphanotropheion |
A fourteenth-century homiliary for nuns |
Ēthikos ē Peri paideias |
Un filologo di Bisanzio e il suo committente |
A los jóvenes, sobre el provecho de la literatura clásica |
A los jóvenes sobre cómo podrían sacar provecho de las letras griegas |
Ēthikos ē Peri paideias |
Als joves, sobre la utilitat de la literatura grega |
Discorsi ai giovani = Oratio ad adolescentes |
Didascalia e versi di Costantino Stilbes |
Sur la vaine gloire et l'éducation des enfants |
Il "Prologo" di Niceforo Basilace |
Cristianesimo primitivo ed educazione |
Über Hoffart und Kindererziehung von Johannes Chrysostomos |
Cómo leer la literatura pagana |
The correspondence of a tenth-century Byzantine scholar |
Christianity and pagan culture in the later Roman Empire |
Graeca sunt, non leguntur |
Послание к юношам о пользе языческих книг |