Храм Святой Софии Константинопольской в свете византийских источников |
Живописни ктиторски надписи от ХІІІ век от Мелник като исторически извори |
Empress Piroska-Eirene’s Collaborators in the Foundation of the Pantokrator Monastery : The Testimony of Nikolaos Kataphloron |
The foundation of the Pantokrator monastery in its urban setting |
On Constantinople and the Church of the Holy Apostles |
All Saints and the Holy Apostles |
Three political voices from the age of Justinian |
Paulo el Silenciario : un poeta de la corte de Justiniano |
L’ekphrasis d’un baptistère byzantin |
Un tempio per Giustiniano |
Un texte patriographique et édifiant |
Bauten / Prokop. Beschreibung der Hagia Sophia / Paulos Silentiarios |
Sainte-Sophie de Thessalonique d’après un ritual |
La construction de Sainte-Sophie de Constantinople dans l'anonyme grec (Xe siecle?) et les versions vieux-russes |
A twelfth-century description of St. Sophia |
The church of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople |
Beschreibung der H. Sophia und des Ambon |