Life of Saint Peter of Atroa |
Life of Mary, the Theotokos, and Life and Acts of St. Andrew the Apostle |
The abridged life of Constantine the former Jew (BHG 370b) |
Las vidas de Constantino-Cirilo y Metodio de Tesalonica |
Die frommen Byzantiner und ihre bosen Nachbarn |
Mystagogie des Heiligen Geistes |
Byzantine Military Rhetoric in the Ninth Century |
Capita ascetica Serdicensia |
Prophecies of the pagans about Christ |
The life and death of Theodore of Stoudios |
El encomio a Ignacio de Miguel Sincelo (BHG 818) |
Прохирон/Закон градски |
Une version originale du Martyre des XLII d’Amorion |
Encomio di S. Agata (BHG 38) |
Concluding a patristic triad |
Discourse on the exile of the patriarch Nikephoros of Constantinople |
Narrating martyrdom |
Preaching in the Second Iconoclasm |
The encomium of the five martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes (BHG 646b) |
The story of the emperor Theophilos’ pardon |
Theodore the Stoudite's scholion on Ps.-Basil's Ascetic Constitutions |
Theosteriktos : a funeral oration on our holy Father and confessor Niketas |
Един новооткрит препис на гръцката служба за св. Климент Охридски |
Doutes sur Galien |
Epigramme en l’honneur de Nicetas |
Le miracle de Theopiste et ses boeufs (BHG 689) |
Paratextes et epitomes : deux notices hagiographiques sur Theodore Stoudite (BHG 1758). |
Commentary on the Gospel of John |
The Encomium of the Apostle Philip by Michael the Monk (BHG 1530a) |
The Pseudo-Romanos Kontakion on Symeon Stylites the Elder |
Poemas |
Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I |
Scrieri în apărarea Sfintelor Icoane |
Sinodiconul bizantin al Ortodoxiei |
“Завештање” Светог Теодора Студита као апологија православности Светих Отаца из Газе Варсануфија Великог и Аве Доротеја |
Un extrait pseudo-chrysostomien sur l’intempérance et la lèpre (CPG 4878) |
La formazione del principe |
Biblioteca |
A tale of two saints : the martyrdoms and miracles of Saints Theodore 'the recruit' and 'the general' |
Holy men of Mount Athos |
Хроника Петра Александрийского |
I «Versi per la domenica di Pasqua» di Arsenio |
Spiritual guidance in ninth-century Byzantium |
Writings on iconoclasm |
Khalifa ibn Khayyat’s History on the Umayyad Dynasty (660–750) |
Kommentar zur Offenbarung des Johannes |
Vom Bosporus zum Ararat |
Vyzantina hagiologika keimena |
Un canone di Giorgio per i ss. Quirico e Giulitta |
Mnogosložnyj Svitok |