The ambigua to John |
The life of Theodotus of Amida |
Commentaire sur le Paradis des Pères |
L’hymnaire de Saint-Sabas (Ve–VIIIe siecle) |
La versio Syra minor della vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso |
George of Pisidia’s poem On the Avar War (Bellum avaricum) |
La Vida de Espiridón de Teodoro de Pafo y su metáfrasis anónima |
Leven van Maria van Egypte |
Deux nouveaux fragments grecs du Commentaire de Jean d’Alexandrie à Épidémies VI d’Hippocrate |
Capita ascetica Serdicensia |
The first Arabic annals |
Panegíricos |
Édition de l’Homélie sur la Passion du Christ d’Anastase le Sinaïte (CPG 7754/BHG 416c) |
Homilies |
Monastic wine distributions in the eighth century |
A Dyothelite Florilegium in the run-up to the Lateran Council (a. 649) |
Une homelie Pseudo-Chrysostomienne inconnue ≪In illud: Estote prudens sicut serpentes (Matth. 10, 16), et in Iob≫ |
‘Je suis venu jeter du feu sur la terre’ |
Appunti di tattica |
Life of Alypius the Stylite |
Despre calcularea datei Paștilor |
I nove canoni del Concilio di Teodosiopoli (“Kanonagirk‘ Hayoc‘”, 42) |
La didascalia de Jacob |
Mistagogia |
Le commentaire astronomique aux Tables Faciles de Ptolémée attribué à Stephanos d’Alexandrie |
A tale of two saints : the martyrdoms and miracles of Saints Theodore 'the recruit' and 'the general' |
A short chronicle on the end of the Sasanian Empire and early Islam 590-660 A.D. |
A short chronicle on the end of the Sasanian Empire and early Islam, 590-660 A.D. |
Dadishoʻ Qaṭraya's Compendious commentary on The paradise of the Egyptian fathers in Garshuni |
Isaac the Syrian's spiritual works |
Por el emperador Heraclio y la guerra persa y cuando partió de la ciudad |
Capita theologica et oeconomica = Zwei Centurien über die Gotteserkenntnis |
Un opuscul exegetic maximian ignorat pentru o aniversare uitată |
Historia powszechna |
Questions à Thalassios |
Saint Jean, higoumène de Scété |
Two hundred chapters on theology |
Vom Bosporus zum Ararat |
Vyzantina hagiologika keimena |
Decretul Ekthesis al împăratului Heraclius (638) |
In Ascensionem sermon 2 (CPG 4532) |
Výbor vyprávění |
Constans II, Ravenna’s Autocephaly and the Panel of the Privileges in St. Apollinare in Classe |
On the difficulties in the Church Fathers |
The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 |
Vida de Espiridón |
Un recueil inédit de miracles de Cyr et Jean dans le Koutloumousiou 37 |
Light on the mountain |
The Anonymous Sayings of the Desert Fathers |
Three unpublished texts on Christ’s unique will and operation from the Syriac florilegium in the ms. London, British Library, Add. 14535 |