Rhetorical exercises from late antiquity |
Sophronius of Jerusalem and seventh-century heresy |
The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553 |
The Greek commentaries on Plato's "Phaedo" |
Three political voices from the age of Justinian |
De aeternitate mundi = Über die Ewigkeit der Welt |
Priscians Darstellung der lateinischen Pronomina |
Weltchronik Johannes Malalas |
Commentaire sur le Philèbe de Platon Damascius |
Panégyrique des saints Cyr et Jean Sophrone de Jérusalem |
Jacob of Sarug's homilies on the resurrection |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Epiphany |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on Palm Sunday |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the judgment of Solomon |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the presentation of our Lord |
Jacob of Sarug's homily on the transfiguration of our Lord |
On Aristotle Posterior analytics 1.1-8 |
The life of Severus |
The Slavonic translation of Saint Theognius of Jerusalem's Homilia in ramos palmarum |
Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy |
Gregorio, Sinesio, Proclo, Dionisio |
Historias |
Priscians Darstellung der lateinischen Präpositionen |
Historiai |
Peri theiōn onomatōn |
Histoires |
Homélies |
La Johannide ou sur les guerres de Libye |
Le martyre de Saint Aréthas et de ses compagnons (BHG 166) |
Kontakia |
Lettere d'amore |
Lo scambio epistolare tra Procopio di Gaza ed il retore Megezio |
Strategikon |
Saint Daniel of Sketis |
The secret history Procopius |
Two tales, two cities : Antinoopolis and Nottingham |
Historia de las guerras, libros VII-VIII |
La jerarquía celestial |
Paulo el Silenciario : un poeta de la corte de Justiniano |
Paulo Silenciario |
Historia ecclesiastica = Kirchengeschichte |
O strategii |
Fragments grecs tirés des chaînes sur les derniers livres de l'Octateuque et sur les Règnes |
Le pré spirituel |
Un kontakion inédit et le culte de saint Aréthas à Constantinople |
Against Proclus's "On the eternity of the world, 12-18" |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.10-12 |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.10-12 |
On Aristotle Physics 1.1-3 |
Historia de las guerras, libros V-VI |