Discours sur Babylas |
Le patriarche Gennade de Constantinople (458-471) et un opuscule inédit contre les Nestoriens |
Trois catéchèses baptismales Jean Chrysostome |
Vita |
Vita di Andrea Salos |
Kommentar zu Platons Parmenides 141 E-142 A Proklos |
Neue Geschichte |
Catequesis baptismals |
Creeds, councils and controversies |
Commentaire sur Job |
Dialogue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome |
Vie |
Vie |
Vie |
A comparison between a king and a monk |
On divine providence |
The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato by Thomas Taylor |
Die Namen Gotten Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita |
Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Parmenides |
Pseudo-Dionysius |
St. Cyril of Alexandria |
Panégyriques de l'empereur Anastase Ier |
Traité des premiers principes Damascius |
La provvidenza e la libertà dell'uomo Proclo |
Storia dei monaci della Siria |
Homilies on Genesis Saint John Chrysostom |
The first Christian histories |
"Geburtshilfe" in Byzanz |
Über die himmlische Hierarchie |
Contre Julien Cyrille d'Alexandrie |
A history of the monks of Syria by Theodoret of Cyrrhus |
Apologist |
Ghazar P'arpec'i's History of the Armenians |
La prière de l'Eglise d'Orient |
The platonic theology |
Asketische und dogmatische Schriften Markus Eremita |
Chrysostomus Nubianus |
Gender and sanctity in early Byzantine monasticism a study of the phenomenon of female ascetics in male monastic habit with a translation of the life of St. Matrona by Khalifa Bennasser |
On the incomprehensible nature of God |
The life of Melania, the Younger |
The sayings of the Desert Fathers |
Hésychius de Jérusalem, Homélies sur Job |
Histoire ecclésiastique. Livres 1-2 |
An early Byzantine formula for the renunciation of Manichaeism |
On virginity |
The Philogelos, or, Laughter-lover |
Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon |
Fragments syriaques du Commentaire des Psaumes |
Vita di Ipazio |
New history |