Comparaison de Démosthène et d'Aristide |
Ethopoeia dramatica |
Il Trattato sui sogni di Sinesio di Cirene e il commento di Niceforo Gregora. |
Die Briefsammlungen des Nikephoros Chumnos |
La vita di Romylos da Vidin asceta nei Balcani (1310 ca - 1376/1380) |
A new logistic text of Nicholas Rhabdas |
Barlaam of Seminara on Stoic ethics |
Commentary on Aristotle, "Nicomachean Ethics" |
Paraphrase of Aristotle, >De anima< |
The visual culture of later Byzantium (c.1081-c.1350) |
Elogio de las dos Romas |
La coleccion inedita de remedios bizantinos en el codice de Galeno Vat. Urb. gr. 67 |
Wykład o słodkiej ziemi Cypru, Cronaca tj. Kroniką zwany |
De stiefmoeder van Planoudes |
Teodorosu Metokitesu “Nikaia shosan enzetsu” kaidai to hon’yaku |
Ézéchiel, prophète de l'Incarnation |
Notitia de locis sanctis |
Contro Roma e contro Gregorio Palamas |
Gli scolii di Demetrio Tricilino alla 'Theogonia' di Esiodo |
Commentary on Aristotle, Prior Analytics (Book II) |
The octosyllabic verses of the 'Chapters in Four Ways' |
Canoane de rugăciune la Sfantul Ioan Botezătorul |
Две италиански хроники за Никополската битка от 1396 г. |
Torapezusu no sho koutei ni tsuite |
Lettres |
La lettera ai ciprioti del Patriarca Callisto I |
Scritti dal carcere |
Gregory Palamas : the Hesychast controversy and the debate with Islam |
On Morals or Concerning Education |
Rechenbuch |
Omilii II |
Kronika trapezuncka |
Erotopaignia |
Un commetno bizantino inedito al carme sulle meraviglie del mondo della cronaca de Giorgio Cedreno |
An unedited poem from codex Marcianus gr. 403 |
О Великих Комнинах (Трапезундская хроника) |
Brief an Melchisedek Akropolites (ep. 95 Leone) |
Vergelijking tussen het Oude en het Nieuwe Rome |
Essai sur les douze travaux d’Héracles |
Les cent cinquante chapitres |
Sententious Notes : Semeioseis gnomikai 61-70 & 72-81 |
Translations and paraphrases of liturgical poetry in late Byzantine Thessalonica |
Two works on Trebizond |
Les épigrammes de Maxime Planude |
Un oracle grec inédit sur Constantinople attribué au prophète Daniel |
Perché leggere Omero : il prologo all’Odissea di Manuele Gabala nelle due redazioni autografe |
Quattro lettere sconosciute di Giuseppe Kalothetos |
Introduction to astronomy by Theodore Metochites |
The letters of Theodoros Hyrtakenos |
Дубровнишки документи за историята на България и българите през ХІІІ–ХV век. |