Life of the Virgin Mary |
The deeds of the Neapolitan Bishops |
Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir |
Легенды Царьграда |
L’opuscule Ordre et canon des prieres attribue a Gregoire de Narek |
From the depths of the heart |
Prophecies of the pagans about Christ |
The Life of Christopher |
Presbyter Kozma, Gegen die Bogomilen |
Житие Луки Столпника (BHG 2239) |
Schelden met lange neologismen |
Le Livre des cérémonies |
Due passi della lettera del prototrono a Costantino Porfirogenito |
Naqlun N. 76/93 : Cyril of Jerusalem, the Marian Dormition and the Sahidic Antiphonary |
Narrating martyrdom |
The encomium of the five martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes (BHG 646b) |
The letters of Ioannēs Tzimiskes in the Chronicle of Mattʿēos Uṙhayecʿi. |
La poesía satírica de Juan Geómetra |
Cuviosul Luca Adialiptos și opera sa duhovnicească regăsită și pierdută |
Един новооткрит препис на гръцката служба за св. Климент Охридски |
Полезни за душата разкази от Павел – епископ на богопазената Монемвасия |
Basilii Minimi in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes IV et V commentarii |
Doutes sur Galien |
Epigramme en l’honneur de Nicetas |
La lettre de Basile le Minime à Syméon le Métaphraste |
Paratextes et epitomes : deux notices hagiographiques sur Theodore Stoudite (BHG 1758). |
The Chronicle of the Logothete |
The Encomium of the Apostle Philip by Michael the Monk (BHG 1530a) |
Житие св. Никифора Севазийского |
Desire, dreams, and visions in the letters of emperor Konstantinos VII Porphyrogennetos and Theodoros of Kyzikos |
The Rise and Fall of Nikephoros II Phokas |
Слова 5, 6 из корпуса ≪33 Слов≫ (Orationes [Dub.]) |
La prise de la Crète : (960-961) |
Un extrait pseudo-chrysostomien sur l’intempérance et la lèpre (CPG 4878) |
Niceforo Urano (Tact. 119) metafrasta di Siriano Magistro |
A tenth-century Byzantine military manual |
Bulgarians by birth |
Christian novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes |
The Universal History of Stepʻanos Tarōnecʻi |
‘Multi pertransibunt, et multiplex erit scientia.’ A new ‘Gerontikon’ narrative in MS Upsal. gr. 5. |
Treis megaloi vyzantinoi poiētes : Iōannēs Geōmetrēs, Christophoros Mytilēnaios, Michaēl Maroullos Tarchaniōtēs |
Le demegorie protrettiche di Constantino VII Porfirogenito |
A tale of two saints : the martyrdoms and miracles of Saints Theodore 'the recruit' and 'the general' |
Holy men of Mount Athos |
Catequesis |
El saco de Tesalónica |
Хроника Петра Александрийского |
L'Éloge de saint Dèmètrios par Grégoire le Référendaire (BHG 544) |
Oeuvres |
Cronaca di Psamatia : vita di Eutimio il Sincello |