Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1301 - 1350 of 1838
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Magdalen College gr. 5 11th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Nicetas Heracleensis
Magdalen College gr. 7 10th, 11th, 12th Bible
Marciana gr. I 33 11th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus, Basil the Great
Marciana gr. V 12 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Medicine
Marciana gr. XI 1 11th, 12th, 14th Menaion, Letters, Grammar, Animals, Epigrammata George Lacapenus
Marciana gr. Z. 101 11th Theology John Chrysostom
Marciana gr. Z. 141 11th Theology Theodore the Studite
Marciana gr. Z. 299 11th Alchemy
Marciana gr. Z. 306 11th Philosophy Proclus
Marciana gr. Z. 359 11th Saints lives
Marciana gr. Z. 360 10th, 11th Theology, Saints lives, History Gregory of Nyssa, Flavius Josephus, Andrew of Crete, John Chrysostom, Michael Psellus
Marciana gr. Z. 434 11th, 15th Rhetoric Lucian
Marciana gr. Z. 453 11th Homer
Mone tou Leimonos 11 11th Menaion, Liturgy
Mone tou Leimonos 13 11th, 12th Menologion, Liturgy Symeon Metaphrastes
Mone tou Leimonos 14 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 17 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 18 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 19 11th, 12th Saints lives
Mone tou Leimonos 20 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 22 11th Theology Basil the Great
Mone tou Leimonos 226 11th, 12th Theology John Climacus
Mone tou Leimonos 23 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 25 11th Saints lives
Mone tou Leimonos 27 10th, 11th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 29 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 294 11th, 12th Gospel lectionary, Bible
Mone tou Leimonos 32 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 327 11th, 12th Liturgy
Mone tou Leimonos 328 11th, 12th Liturgy
Mone tou Leimonos 329 11th, 12th Liturgy
Mone tou Leimonos 330 11th, 12th Liturgy
Mone tou Leimonos 360 11th, 12th Gospel lectionary, Bible
Mone tou Leimonos 37 10th, 11th Gospel lectionary, Bible
Mone tou Leimonos 38 11th, 12th Gospel lectionary, Bible
Mone tou Leimonos 4 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 42 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 44 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 45 11th, 12th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
Mone tou Leimonos 48 10th, 11th Saints lives
Mone tou Leimonos 49 11th, 12th Theology
Mone tou Leimonos 50 11th, 12th Theology John Chrysostom
Mone tou Leimonos 54 11th, 12th Theology Ephraem
Mone tou Leimonos 56 11th Menologion, Liturgy Symeon Metaphrastes
Mone tou Leimonos 6 11th, 12th Theology
Mone tou Leimonos 65 11th, 12th Bible
Mone tou Leimonos 67 11th, 12th Gospel lectionary, Bible
Mone tou Leimonos 68 11th, 12th Theology Basil the Great
Mone tou Leimonos 81 11th, 12th Pentekostarion, Liturgy
Morgan Library & Museum M. 745 11th, 12th Bible
