Severus Sozopolitānus, Patriarch of Antioch, d. ca. 536
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language |
Omelia sulla Resurrezione |
2019 |
Italian |
In Michaelem |
2013 |
English |
Recruitment and conflict in sixth-century Antioch |
2013 |
English |
I Progimnasmi di Severo di Alessandria (Severo di Antiochia?) |
2009 |
Italian |
Fragments grecs tirés des chaînes sur les derniers livres de l'Octateuque et sur les Règnes |
2006 |
French |
La polémique antijulianiste |
1964 |
French |
Le Philalèthe |
1952 |
French |
Sévère, Patriarche d'Antioche, 512-518 |
1907 |
French |
The sixth book of the select letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch |
1902 |
English |
Saint Michael the archangel |
1894 |
English |