Mystagogie des Heiligen Geistes |
Giamblico : storie babilonesi |
La formazione del principe |
Biblioteca |
Семнадцатая гомилия патриарха Фотия |
Bibliothèque |
Vivliothēkē |
The bibliotheca |
The mystagogy of the Holy Spirit |
Biblioteka |
Patriarch Photios of Constantinople |
The Patriarch and the Prince |
The Preface of the Bibliotheca of Photius |
Photios' letter to his brother Tarasios on the death of his daughter |
Deux lettres inédites de Photius aux Arméniens |
Les sources grecques pour l’histoire des Pauliciens d’Asie Mineure |
Die Briefe des Patriarchen Photios an die italischen Bischöfe Marinus, Gauderich und Zacharias |
Längst hätten wir uns bekehren müssen |
The homilies of Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople |
The Library of Photius |
The ecclesiastical history of Sozomen |
Photios et ses freres |