John VI Cantacuzenus, Emperor of the East, 1292-1383
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language |
Il Prooemium contra Barlaamum et Acindynum di Giovanni Cantacuzeno e le sue fonti |
2016 |
Italian |
Les Zélotes : une révolte urbaine à Thessalonique au 14è siècle |
2013 |
French |
Geschichte |
1982 |
German |
The history of John Kantakouzenos |
1979 |
English |
Urkunden- und Memorientext |
1978 |
German |
The history of John Cantacuzenus (Book IV) |
1975 |
English |
Lettre inédite de Jean Cantacuzène relative a la controverse palamite |
1959 |
French |